Lisa and her family have been coming to the Con for almost 20 years. I seem to remember 20 years ago swearing I'd never subject myself to something as dorky as a convention full of crazed fans dressed as their favorite whatever. Ok, we came, we had a good time, and we have returned every year since. We make a weekend of it. The boys come with us to preview night and then spend the weekend with my brother and his family. On Sunday we return with the boys for the family day of events geared more for kids. It has been an event the boys excitedly remember and look forward to the next year.
I have never like crowds and after so many years in a profession where my personal space had to be guarded closely, I can emphatically say "I still do NOT like crowds!" The stress is too much. I begin to hyperventilate and become panicked. All of my distrust of the general public comes to the surface as I constantly tap my pocket to reassure myself that my wallet is still there. Then there is the momentary distress when I can't feel the wallet, only to be amused when I realize I have placed in a front pocket for safe keeping.
Comic-Con is winding down in San Diego. It long outgrew our convention center and has declared that once the contract expires (a mere 10 years from now) they will move the convention to a much larger venue - perhaps Anaheim or Los Angeles. San Diego has a proprietary cause for keeping the Con. It was conceived here. It has always been here and should never be anywhere else. But seriously, I can't imagine next year, much less 10 years from now.
Comic-Con raised the prices. The daily event passes were raised only a bit, but the full 4 day plus preview night went up almost double! We won't pay that much to be squished in sea of weirdoes. It’s not worth it. Yet I feel sadness because in the end, it is worth it. We hang out all day in one conference room or another. We see and hear stars from our favorite shows, unscripted and un-edited as they banter with the crowd. We (I really mean Nichole) haunt the autograph room for a chance to hug some hottie. She has an autograph from and a picture of herself with Adrian Paul. I dare not touch that picture. Strange how our last time here is the first time we camped a line, and not even for ourselves. But in the end, I just can't justify $175 per ticket for days of glorious stress. I will content myself with adoration from afar.